The purchase process of Iranemart's website is as follows:
We hope to guide you in the process of buying and delivering:
1- Select the product and good from the list of items available on the website and submit the purchase request in various forms
1-1) Add to cart
1-2) Telephone counseling and shopping
1-3) Sample request
1-4) Request For Quotation
The terms and conditions for buying any of the products are also described on the site, as well as our expert experts provide this information.
Add to cart
The products that are priced in this way can be purchased online and you can pay your purchase online.
And get the purchased item.
If you complete this purchase process, our experts will contact you.
Phone counseling and shopping
Products that are not priced and due to fluctuations in the market can not include prices.
You can contact our experts by completing our special request form and submitting your contact information.
You will be contacted as soon as possible
Sample request
Products that require special samples because of specific requirements.
You can contact our experts by completing our special request form and submitting your contact information.
You will be contacted as soon as possible
And will take the necessary steps to complete the next steps of the purchase.
Request For Quotation
You can contact our experts by completing our special request form and submitting your contact information.
You will be contacted as soon as possible
And will take the necessary steps to complete the next steps of the purchase
2- Determine the status of payment
Dear purchaser, can after completing the process of registering a purchase request and receiving sample and telephone advice and ...
You can make an account and delivery of your desired product in one of the following ways
• Online payment through Iranemart's website
• On-site payment (special for Tehran customers)
• Pay with any of the accelerated network member bank cards
• Cash deposit
3- Announcement the exact address and place of delivery
The products and goods purchased will be delivered to your address
4- Confirmation of the receipt of the purchased product
Dear purchaser, after delivery of the goods and products purchased, you must confirm the receipt of the goods and match them in terms of quantity and amount with your purchase invoice.
Guaranteeing the originality and quality of goods and products
Iranemart's website fully acknowledges the originality and quality of the goods and products on the website and provides the buyer with a certificate of quality assurance of the goods.
If you have any constructive feedback and suggestions on the sales process, like:
Delay in shipping / delaying receipt of pre-invoice and telephone counseling / non-response
Call +98 21 40 660 915
Sent E-mail Info[At]tapsiran.Com