Cashmi Shavari KitchenHD 251 It is the proud right of domestic production in all fields of design, production and ultra-advanced domestic engineering, which is able to compete with all similar foreign products. This smart multi-purpose faucet has the ability to adjust the pressure and temperature of the water at the same time, as well as a shower with complete hygiene. Product performance system designed asON/OFFwill save 70% of water consumption. It is presented out loud.
- Useful battery life between one and three years depending on the amount of use
- Compensation of pressure drop in the upper floors of the building
- fast and reliable operation (the operation time of turning off and on the water is less than one second)
- Complete hygiene (preventing the spread of infectious diseases)
- More than 70% saving in water, energy and cost
- The body is made of brass with good quality chrome plating
- Dual power supply
- 1- 6 volt adapter for use in public and high consumption places
- 2- batteries (four alkaline pen batteries) for use in places where there is no access to electricity
- 3- At the same time (if you wish, you can use an adapter or a pen battery or both. Also, because the price of a lithium battery is many times the price of an alkaline pen battery and it is not available everywhere, an alkaline pen battery is used in the faucets of Blanda.)
- No loss of thermal energy due to no need to adjust hot and cold water every time it is used
- Having a filter washer on the way of the water inlet hoses, which facilitates servicing.
- Possibility to adjust hot and cold water as well as the ability to be single water
- No water drops when using this type of valve due to the use of a special mechanism
- Equipped with an intelligent controller system when there is a possibility of water leakage
- Presence of multiple filters with appropriate mesh in the water path, to prevent sediments and waste materials from entering the valve and as a result increase the life of the valve
- With Waterhammer approval (the use of the automatic valve does not cause any damage to the building's plumbing and facilities.)